Finding The Best Brownies In Karachi

Brownies in Karachi

Our original understanding of finding the best brownies in Karachi was that they always had to be pre-ordered from a home chef. Because how would a brownie lying for hours on a store shelf would be good? And to be fair, most store-bought brownies we had tried by then were dry, cake-y or tasted either too heavily of flour or sugar.

However, lately we have seen a rise in queries from people about looking for GREAT brownies that don’t have to be pre-ordered. After all, intense brownie cravings don’t understand the virtue of patience. And it’s almost like the universe conspired to address that craving because suddenly we have a list of places that do great brownies which you can just pick up on the same day without pre-ordering.

Our Criteria For A Good Brownie

Not to take too much of your time – but our criteria for a good brownie was as follows:

The brownie had to be:

– fudgy in texture (this is not the list for cakey brownies, sorry)

– for the sweetness to not overpower the flavour of chocolate

– the chocolate flavour notes to be substantial but not the same as having an entire chocolate bar

– preferably crackly top, or a texture variation to keep things interesting

– preferably dark chocolate

– also we had a slight bias towards the brownies that we were able to finish in one go instead of having them in instalments (however all of the brownies on this particular list are solid)

– lastly – the brownies have to be available in-store everyday for pick-up or delivery and there is no pre-ordering required

The Best Brownies in Karachi

Marya's Cafe

Brownies by Marya's Cafe in Karachi

This brownie is our personal favourite from the list. This is fudgy, tastes like chocolate and has this slight chew on it which is incredibly satisfying. And of course, the crackle on top. We finished this in one go.


Brownies in Karachi

This chocolate brownie at FLOC ticks all the boxes for a good brownie – it is fudgy (of course), has that perfect crackly top and also has melted chocolate bits inside for added indulgence. Best had with a cup of coffee.

Yum By Amna Bakery

yum by amna brownies

If somebody is looking for a good dark chocolate brownie (we hear you), this is it. In our imagination, we see it being paired with fresh strawberries.

Sugar Drizzle
Belgian Chocolate Brownies

This belgian chocolate brownie completely took us by surprise. This had the required fudginess, balanced sweetness and delivered that satisfying dose of chocolate and cocoa.

American Brownies

Lal's American Brownie

On first impression this brownie tastes a little flour-forward but upon spending some time nibbling on it – you will realise this is also one of the good brownies out there. Fudgy, with dark chocolate notes and with that textured top.

Springs Bakery
Triple Chocolate Brownies

Springs Bakery Brownies

This is also a pretty good everyday brownie – though the chocolate flavour notes didn’t shine here. It seemed slightly watered down but the texture came through. If somebody doesn’t want intensely chocolate brownies, this might be a good buy though.

Evergreen Cafe
Sugar Free Brownies

brownies in karachi evergreen

This brownie is for people who want something sugar and gluten free. It has walnuts and cherries inside – tastes like having a chocolate power bar. It’s not as fudgy but can work with a cup of coffee.

So there you go! A round-up of best brownies in Karachi that don’t have to be pre-ordered. Which one sounds more your type?

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