One of our core memories of growing up in Karachi involve overfilling our salad bowls at Pizza Hut, while also secretly resenting others for filling it even more. “We fill it just right, THAT’s a lot!”. Bottomline: Everyone had their own idea of what was enough. The salad bowl would feature copious amounts of macaroni – arguably the most popular component in the salad options, sweet corn, spaghetti, creamy potatoes and sometimes even pineapples!
However, life happens and just nostalgia was not enough to sustain Pizza Hut. It shut down.
But then, where do we go to relive our childhood memories and well to be fair, to satisfy our creamy macaroni salad cravings.
We went on a run to try three different places in Karachi that have offer Pizza Hut-style salad to decide who fares the best and here are our findings.

The Best Places For Pizza Hut Style Salad in Karachi
United King - Mix Salad

Can’t believe we are starting with a winner but I guess we are. This “mixed” salad at United King really captures the spirit of the Pizza Hut salad bowl. It has the most amount of components. In addition to the usual macaroni and spaghetti, it also has beans and pineapples and gives you this small space on the side for sauces. We absolutely could not stop eating it and later found out, they were the cheapest too at Rs 550 for the whole thing.
The only thing we didn’t like: You don’t get to fill the bowl yourself but actually guide one of their staffs to do it which takes away from the fun a little bit.
Shop Name: United King
Directions: opposite Freso in Clifton
Price: Rs 550
Rating: 10/10
14th Street Pizza Co - Salad

The next place was 14th Street Pizza Co. While United King comes closest to Pizza Hut in terms of ingredients and flavours, 14th Street Pizza Co. really captures the visual. The boat shaped bowls and the salad station that you can hover over endlessly till you have perfected your bowl. It also comes really close to the Pizza Hut flavours and it is priced at around Rs. 800.
Shop Name: 14th Street Pizza Co.
Directions: at Khayaban e Nishat (same lane as Aussie Burger) and at Shaheed e Millat
Price: approx Rs 800
Rating: 8/10
Snack Shack

It won’t be very fair to compare a home-based business to commercial eateries since a lot more effort and personal attention goes in preparing orders when you order from a home based business. However, just to compare on overall offering alone – the salad bowl at Snack Shack mainly had three to four components. The macaroni, corn, potatoes, spaghetti, croutons and sauces. It is however a generous serving and made well. In terms of flavour, we would say it is an 80% match to the Pizza Hut flavours.
Ordering from Snack Shack would be a good idea if you are hosting a lunch or get together at home.
Business Name: Snack Shack
Price: Rs 1050
Rating: 8/10
To Order: Whatsapp 0345 2963002
So there you go, here are all the places that are doing a really good Pizza Hut-style salad bowl in Karachi. We clearly have our favourites but we encourage you tro try from all of them to pick yours.
Do you know of any more places that do it? Let us know in the comments!
Happy eating!
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